
المعارض المغربي بيتر شمراح مضرب عن الطعام احتجاجا على ضغوط الحكومة اليونانية عليه من أجل العدول عن مواقفه المعارضة للنظام الملكي في المغرب

اليونان (وكالة المغرب العربي للانباء المستقلة) إحتجاجا على ما أسماه التعسفات والمضايقات التي طالته من طرف الحكومة اليونانية للضغط عليه من أجل العدول عن مواقفه المعارضة للنظام الملكي في المغرب يواصل الضابط السابق واللاجئ السياسي في اليونان السيد بيتر شمراح إضرابا عن الطعام منذ  أسابيع حيث تدهورت حالته الصحية جراء هذا الإضراب الذي أكد عدم العدول عنه حتى يتم رفع هذا الحصار والمضايقات الصادرة من الحكومة المذكورة في حقه..، ويجدر بالذكر أن الضابط السابق بيتر شمراح قد مُنح حق اللجوء السياسي من المفوضية العليا للاجئين، إلا أن وزارة الداخلية اليونانية تتماطل من تسليمه الوثائق الخاصة باللجوء بضغط من الديبلوماسية المغربية..، هذا وقد راسل اللاجئ السياسي بيتر شمراح وزير الخارجية الطيب الفاسي الفهري عبر الديبلوماسية المغربية المعتمدة باليونان مطالبا إسقاط الجنسية المغربية عليه ومحملا المسؤولية كل المسؤولية إذا ما أصابه مكروه أو إعتداء إلى الحكومتين المغربية واليونانية وكذا المخابرات التابعة لهذين البلدين 

وهذه نص الرسالة الموجهه إلى وزير الخارجية 

Ptolemaida GREECE
To The Embassador of Morocco in Athens, Greece
His Eexellency:
Im Peter CHEMRAH, Ex-Moroccan citizen. Passport N0 T384185. Im so sorry to inform you with a great grief and sorrow about the range of material and incorporeal detriment I caught up after three years of persecution and abductions during all kinds of tortures physic, menal and psychic, pursued by an abusive exile in 2000. Because of my freedom of religion, and thenceforth I reacted as pious citizen to defend his country from any threatening danger, Whereat I logged a complaint against a criminous gang that smuggles all kinds of soft and hard drugs and arms, in Tetwan Sep 5th 1997. where they have one of their locations. From where they import/export drugs and arms. In the first time, I did not know that gang is a group of thugs are members of the Moroccan intelligence whom get used to do those crimes for quick payoff on the profile of addicted innocent people who take drugs of Morocco the first country in the world which produces these poisons to massacre humanity for money. To say nothing of the hard drugs they import from Latine America to be exported to Europe.
His exellency, according to this opression which endured about fourteen years and still, the jungle law is still pursuing me even outside in the exile, and according to the daily threats to death I recieve from the criminals of the Moroccan intelligence their panders, which reversed their mission vice versa, instead of security stableness, they make contravention and spreading horror, intimidation and terror on the citizens inside and ouside of Morocco. And according to mighty opression and repression exert on citizens by the bloody machines of killing and massacring hangry barehanded citizens whom are demanding to live in dignity and social justice,... through huge peacefull manifestations everyday in all cities and villages, in Morocco the country the Creator has humiliated by the the totalitarian regime of plundering, stealing and massacring humanity and spearing all social and political fornications... Therefore, I write this document in a full mental conscience, to declare officially that I rejected my Moroccan nationality once for all. and I disavow this nationality evermore. and Im Moroccan nomore since now !!!.
His exellency, I inform you that I deliver this document in the presence of the lawyer, and by consultation with commission of amnesty international, and also by conferring with members of the Greek Consulate for Refugees, and Juristic and religious authorities.
Mr The Embassador, I solicit your hastening in administrative procedures to inform competent authorities special in this subject to make deterrence against any sudden perfidious assassination, the bloody regime accustomed to slay the opposeds to his dictatorship ouside of Morocco.
His exellency, I hope you take this decision I made volenteerly for my safety, into consideration, and thank you.

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